Saturday 30 January 2016

Jesus is counting on you...

Today the church is under severe attack. The various attacks on churches and religious and the utter disrespect of Christians is appalling.

But unfortunately that isn't the only place from where the church is under attack. Top cardinals, bishops and priests choose to twist and abandon the teachings of Christ to suit the "modern times "

It is very much true that the teaching of Christ is difficult. Not all can accept it. ( Jn6:60)

But not accepting it is your personal choice. Leading others to something false is shameful.

Fr. Antonio Couto, a saintly mystic in 1989 said, "A day will come when priests, bishops and perhaps even Cardinals will abandon the teachings of Christ; in that day God will raise up families who will hold fast to the gospel and save the church."

Today  Jesus Christ and the church needs YOU more than ever. To stand up for the truth. To be strong and well read in your faith. And to live and defend that faith.

Dear young friends, Jesus Christ is counting on you! The Church is counting on you! The Pope is counting on you! May Mary, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, always accompany you with her tenderness. Go and make disciples of all nations. (Pope Francis WYD 2013)

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