Monday, 25 January 2016

Why God why?

All too often in our life we are faced with situations that push us to ask the question: Why God Why?

Why did I get this sickness? Why am I or my family suffering so much? Why is nothing going right in life?

It gets worse when we pray daily and yet have unpleasant things happen to us; which makes us question whether we should pray at all.

The book of Wisdom 2:18 says: The righteous man is God’s child, He will help him and will deliver him from the hand of his adversaries.

On this earth we may never understand the use of trying to lead a holy and blameless life. (Wis2:22)

But for those who cling to the Lord, He will always work things out for their good (Rom8:28)

The purposes of the Lord are too mysterious for us to fathom. But it is for us to cling to Him through every storm in our life so that the glory of God may be revealed in our lives.

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